17-18 October 2019 Donostia/San Sebastián

NPLD - Coppieters Campus 2019

Activating the social use of minority languages

Campus programme

Wednesday, 16th October 2019

19.00 Reception at the City Hall

Eneko Goia Donostia / San Sebastián City Council | Mayor

Bethan Webb Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity | Vice Chair


Tenis Ondarreta Restaurant

Eduardo Chillida Pasealekua 9

Only for NPLD-Coppieters members

Conference programme - Thursday 17th October 2019

09h00-09h15 Opening words

Bingen Zupiria, Basque Government |Minister for Culture and Language Policy

Markel Olano, Gipuzkoa Provincial Council | Deputy General

Bethan Webb, Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity |Vice Chair

Inaki Irazabalbeitia, Coppieters Foundation | Member of the Bureau

09h15-10h00 Keynote speech_ New speakers: the emergence of a post-national linguistic paradigm

Joan Pujolar, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Downloadable presentation here.

 10h00-15h00 Part I_Activating the use of Basque across society

10h00-10h30 Theoretical principles and bases of Euskaraldia project

Pello Jauregi, University of the Basque Country

Downloadable presentation here.

10h30-11h00 Design, methodology and coordination of Euskaraldia

Iñigo Fernandez Ostolaza, Comunication Expert

Downloadable presentation here.

11h30-12h00 Communication Plan of Euskaraldia

Iñigo Fernandez Ostolaza, Comunication Expert

Downloadable presentation here.

12h00-12h30 Speakers’s activation through the community network

Jasone Mendizabal, Director of Topagunea, Federation of Associations working in favour of Basque Language

Downloadable presentation here.

12h30-13h30 Experience of 2 municipalities of the Basque Autonomous Community

Edurne Otamendi, Council of Donostia / San Sebastián

Idoia Trenor, Bagera Association – Downloadable presentation here.

Asier Lafuente | Yanire Caro, Arabako Lautada

Downloadable presentation here.

14h30-15h15 Evaluation of the results of the project Euskaraldia

Uxoa Anduaga, Soziolinguistika Klusterra

Downloadable presentation here.

15h00-16h00 Part II_Activating the use of Catalan in business: Emmarca’t

Emmarca’t: Catalan, language of marketing

Anton Ferret, Directorate-General for Language Policy. Government of Catalonia

Downloadable presentation here.

16h30-19h30 Cultural Activity: Chillida Leku Museum

Hernani | Gipuzkoa

20h30 Dinner offered by the Basque Government

La Perla Restaurant | Kontxa Pasealekua

Friday, 18th October 2019 - Conference programme Day 2

09h00-11h00 Part II_Activating the use of Catalan in business: Emmarca’t

09.00-10.00 – Measuring the presence and use of Catalan in trade. The OfferCat indicators system

10.00-11.00 –  Support plans for the use of Catalan in small shops

Carles de Rosselló, Consortium for Language Normalisation. Catalonia

Downloadable presentation here.

11h30-13h30 Part III_Activating the use of Welsh in families: Intergenerational transmission of the language

Transmission or donation? How to ensure Welsh is actively passed from generation to generation

Bethan Webb |Jeremy Evas, Government of Wales

Downloadable presentation here.

13h30-14h30 Lunch break

 14h30-16h00 Discussion in groups: final conclusions

 16h00-16h30 Closing words

Miren Dobaran, Government of Basque Country |Deputy Minister for Language Policy

Sietske Poepjes, Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity |Vice Chair

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