NPLD » NPLD – Coppieters Campus 2023
28th – 29th September 2023, Helsinki (Finland)
NPLD - Coppieters Campus 2023
Managing languages in the field of Health & Social Cares in Multilingual Communities
28th and 29th September 2023, 8.30-12.45 | Hotel Hanasaari/Hanaholmen, Helsinki (Finland). The “NPLD-Coppieters Campus 2023: Managing languages in the field of Health & Social Care in Multilingual Communities” aims to be a forum for discussion among the public institutions and the civil society of the 22 European linguistic communities represented by the NPLD where different questions will be addressed. The NPLD and Coppieters are organizing this fourth edition in cooperation with Folktinget: The Swedish Assembly of Finland. The full programme will be available soon. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for any further information.
Communication in multilingual communities -especially where 2 languages or more have official status- can pose certain difficulties when dealing with the health and social services system. The presence of linguistic barriers in available services can have major negative repercussions on the health of patients.
In this particular area, communicating in a way the patient can fully understand as well as understanding and assessing the patient’s needs accurately by the healthcare provider is of vital importance. Speaking a patient’s language can also mean helping their family better understand the diagnosis and available treatment options. Patients and their families often avoid using their first language, the language they are more proficient in because they desire to not be a “burden” and to avoid the stigma of not using the most common language.
How can be ensured that speakers of the languages of a given community, particularly when one of those languages is a regional or a minority language, have access to services in their language?
Without professional language support, patients are less likely to receive the level of care they need, and misunderstandings can have disastrous effects on the effectiveness of the patient’s treatment. What can be done to increase the number of multilingual health providers? Hiring bilingual employees only? Offering second language courses to health professionals? Using interpretation services? The NPLD-Coppieters Campus 2023: Managing languages in the field of Health & Social Care in Multilingual Communities aims to be a forum for discussion among the public institutions and the civil society of the 22 European linguistic communities represented by the NPLD where those and other questions will be addressed.
About the campus
The NPLD-Coppieters Campus is a biennial event jointly organised by the Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity and the Coppieters Foundation after the summer break.
The NPLD-Coppieters Campus aims to be a meeting place for reflection and exchange of ideas among governments, policy makers, practitioners, researchers and experts from all over Europe working in the field of language policy and planning for Constitutional, Regional and Small-State Languages across Europe.
The Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (NPLD) is a European wide network whose main goal is to raise awareness at a European level on the vital importance of linguistic diversity. NPLD includes governments both national and regional, universities and associations as its members.
Coppieters Foundation is a think tank focusing on European affairs. It develops new ideas and produces knowledge on the management of cultural and linguistic diversity, collective and minority rights, multi-level governance, decentralization, state and constitutional reform, statehood processes, self-determination, migration, peace studies and the protection of human rights in Europe.

Conference Programme
Thursday, 28th September
8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.30 Welcoming words
Christina Gestrin |Secretary
You can read and download her presentation here.
General. The Swedish Assembly of
Finland- Folktinget
Anna Jungner-Nordgren |Vice-Chair of the NPLD
Victor Andersson |Programme Director at Hanasaari/Hanaholmen
Inaki Irazabalbeitia |Coppieters Foundation
9.30-10.30 Keynote speech
Dr Awen Iorweth | Orthopaedic Consultant CTMUHB and Clinical Lecturer in Cardiff University for Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
You can read and download his presentation here.
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.00 Case I: The Swedish language community in Finland
Christine Kotzev |Senior specialist. The Swedish Assembly of Finland -Folktinget
You can read and download her presentation here.
Karin Simola|Director of bilingual services from the Wellbeing Service County of Southwest Finland.
You can read and download her presentation here.
Fredrica Nyqvist|PhD, Docent, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy. Åbo Akademi University.
You can read and download her presentation here.
12.00-13.00 Case II: New Brunswick (Canada)
Gilles Vienneau | General Director of Société Santé et Mieux-être en français
You can read and download his presentation here.
13.00-14.00 Networking lunch
14.00-17.30 Cultural programme (By invitation only)
Friday, 29 September
9.00-10.00 Case III: The Basque Country
Josune Retegi Ormazabal | Deputy Director for Human Resources Development and Training (OSAKIDETZA)
You can read and download his presentation here.
Susana Martín Benavides|Deputy Director for Primary health care (OSAKIDETZA)
10.00-11.30 Panel Discussion: Managing Languages in Offically Bilingual Territories. Challenges and Opportunities.
Josune Retegi Ormazabal | Deputy Director for Human Resources Development and Training (OSAKIDETZA). Basque Country.
Christina Gestrin |Secretary General. The Swedish Assembly of Finland- Folktinget
Dr Awen Iorweth |Orthopaedic Consultant CTMUHB and Clinical Lecturer in Cardiff University for Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Mirjam Vellinga | Language promotion and international projects | AFUK
You can read and download her presentation here.
MODERATOR: Anna Jungner-Nordgren |Vice-Chair of the NPLD|Senior Advisor in International &
Nordic Affairs. The Swedish Assembly of Finland (Folktinget)
11.30-11.45 Closing words
Anna Jungner-Nordgren |Vice-Chair of the NPLD|Senior Advisor in International & Nordic Affairs. The Swedish Assembly of Finland (Folktinget)
11.45 – Networking lunch
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