Privacy Policy

In compliance with The General Data Protection Regulation (UE 2016/679), Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (hereinafter NPLD), is committed to protect your privacy and guarantees law enforcement related to your personal data protections. Your personal data will be handled in a legal, licit and transparent way according to predefined, legitimate and explicit purposes. Only if it is relevant for providing the service and always limited to what we really need for it. The information will be accurate and updated and kept just as long as we need it. We are committed with security of all the personal data you may provide us.

Who is responsible from your personal data handling?

Organization: Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity
Address: Rue de la Pépinière | Boomkwekerijstraat 1, bte. 3, B-1000, Brussels, Belgium
Phone: + 32 (0) 496 286 342/3

Why do we use your personal data?

We use your personal data for:

  • Providing the services you requested us: we use all the personal data you provide us so we can deliver the service you are requesting.
  • Contacting you in case we need to guard your interests related to the service contracted. These are non-commercial communications.
  • Communications: we use the data you provide us in order to manage our relationship and to be able to improve your experience with our organization.

We only handle personal data when we do have a lawful ground for doing it.

How do we obtain your data?

You provide us your personal data when you contact us though our website, by phone or by email. If you use the contact form of our website, you should have to accept our Private Policy by checking the box “I accept”, in that way you express your informed and voluntary consent.

What kind of personal data do we handle?

Personal information is any information about you as an identifiable individual.

We gather your personal data when you browse our website and you contact with us.

We get the following data or information:

  • Basic data: name & family name, email, contact phone number.
  • Information about the use of our website through Google Analytics service. You can read more about Google Privacy Policy here
  • Other data you may include in your communications with us by email, phone or any other source.

With whom are we sharing your personal data?

NPLD does not transfer any personal data to third-parties, except when there is a lawful ground to do it.

We do share personal data only in these circumstances according to the purposes indicated in these Privacy Policy:

  • Legal advisors and other reliable suppliers, needed to perform our activity. All of them have implemented privacy policies according to applicable legislation.
  • Social networks: you may access to our services through a social network and we also have social network plug-ins on our website. You can read more about data privacy of these social networks in their Privacy Policy (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.). We are not responsible of your data when you browse their websites.

What rights do you have?

You can exercise your rights on all the personal data you may have provided to NPLD:

  • Right of Information and access to your data: You can request us information about the personal data we may have from you.
  • Right of rectification: You can request us to rectify any information about you, if you think is inaccurate or wrong.
  • Right of deletion: You can request us to delete your personal data when there are no longer legitimate grounds to preserve them.
  • Right of objection: You can also, if you have valid reasons, object to the processing of data which affects you.
  • Right of portability: You can request us the transfer of your personal data to you or to a third-party.
  • Right to withdraw consent: In case you have provided your consent for gathering, processing and/or the portability of your personal data for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time. Once we receive your request we will stop processing your data for the purposes you originally consent, unless we do have lawful grounds to do it according to current laws.

If you want to exercise any of these rights you should submit us an application, together with supporting documentation to prove your identity, to:

Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity
Rue de la Pépinière | Boomkwekerijstraat 1, bte. 3, B-1000, Brussels, Belgium
Phone: + 32 (0) 496 286 342/3

All the information you provide us must be truthful. In any case you alone will be responsible for any false or inaccurate declaration you make and for all the injuries you may cause to NPLD or to third-parties due to the information you provide.