The NPLD University Network (UNINET) project originated after the visit of the former NPLD and regional minister of the Province of Fryslân Sietske Poepjes to the NPLD associate member Partium Christina University, a higher education institution with Hungarian teaching language in Romania. During this visit opportunities were discussed to enhance cooperation between European universities with a specific interest in regional and minoritised languages.
Thereupon, a project proposal was submitted within the framework of 2022 Calls for Proposals of NPLD. The project proposal was positively assessed by NPLD Chairs’ Committee and consequently, a Grant Agreement was drawn up. For the year 2023, the Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (NPLD) granted 10.000€ and the Province of Fryslân offered additional finance of 10.000€ euro for the implementation of this project.
The formal establishment of the NPLD-UniNet Network took place during the First UniNet Conference hosted by Partium Christian University in the period 13-14 June 2023 at Oradea – Nagyvárad (Romania). The Conference has been attended by representatives of the following UniNet partners: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol/Welsh National College, Prifysgol Aberystwyth/ Aberystwyth University, Fryske Akademy – Mercator Research Centre, NHL Stenden Hogeschol/NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Provinsje Fryslân/ Province of Fryslân, Stockholms Universitet/Stockholm University, Soziolinguistika Klusterra/ Sociolinguistics Cluster, Universitât dal Friûl /University of Udine, Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem/Partium Christian University.
UNINET project aims to make it easier to actively work together for universities and research institutions in the field of languages, multilingualism, identity and national minorities. All members of the NPLD University Network (UniNet) have a common background in academic research and educational institutions. All these institutes are in their daily work dealing with international cooperation, European partnerships, grants, and exchange students in the context of multilingualism, minority languages, identity, bilingualism etc.
At the NPLD Steering Committee Meeting which took place in Dublin on 23 November 2023 Gábor Flora, representing the Partium Christian University, explained the objectives of the UniNet project and the results of the previous day’s meeting. He stated the importance of the continuation of the project and keeping the collaboration between the members with the contribution of the NPLD, which was approved unanimously by the Steering Committee of the NPLD, guaranteeing the continuity of UNINET.
In the year 2024, the activities of UNINET will focus on achieving its long term aims, with the help of implementing the activities initiated in 2023. Beyond the shared research, student exchange and curriculum development activities, particular attention shall be devoted to the dissemination of research results to decision-makers, key stakeholders of language policies and the general public. Because of this aim, a seminar to showcase the language policy plans existing in the universities and research institutions which are members of the partnership will be organised.
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