Spring 2019
Tags: BrexitCornishIrelandIrishNorthern IrelandScotlandScotsScottish GaelicUKUlster ScotsWelsh
Authorship: Vicent Fenollar i Sastre is the Policy and Outreach Manager at the NPLD
In 2015 the NPLD published The European Roadmap for Linguistic Diversity, in order to substantiate and formalize the strategic aims of its policy and practical work for the benefit of the Constitutional, Regional or Smaller State (CRSS) languages, that are used within and among the members of the network. Due to changes in the conditions regulating and facilitating the promotion of these languages, both internationally and at national and regional levels, the NPLD now has renewed and developed a document, that for the closest future will function with similar, language policy aims as the Roadmap.
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