Universitât dal Friûl | University of Udine
Universitât dal Friûl – CIRF – Centri Interdipartimentâl pal svilup de lenghe e de culture dal Friûl “Josef Marchet”/ Università degli studi di Udine – CIRF -Centro Interdipartimentale per lo sviluppo della lingua e della cultura del Friuli. Within the University of Udine, the Interdepartmental centre for the development of Friulian language and culture is the body of the University for the promotion of Friulian language and culture inside the University itself and in connection with the whole Friulian community. Its members are professors and researchers belonging to several departments of the University and other external experts on Friulian language and culture.
The aims of this Centre are:
– to promote actions that enhance the study and the research on Friulian language, literature, history, arts, science, land and culture;
– to cooperate with Italian and international institutions;
– to support other institutions in research activities;
– to promote, support and organize teaching activities, such as training courses about Friulian language and culture;
– to spread the knowledge on Friulian language and culture through lessons, exhibitions, meetings, symposiums and publications;
– to boost students’ use of Friulian language and their knowledge about Friulian culture, also referring to media, arts, music and theatre.
Associate Member
Friulian is not yet taught at university level, but this is not due to a theoretical principle, since some courses study specific topics related to the language. An Interdepartmental Centre has been established to develop the Friulian language and culture, as well as the Association of Friulian Science and Technology.
Family, friends, leisure, education, media, health services, Public administration.