Universitât dal Friûl | University of Udine

Universitât dal Friûl | University of Udine
Universitât dal Friûl – CIRF (Centri Interdipartimentâl pal svilup de lenghe e de culture dal Friûl “Josef Marchet”) / Università degli studi di Udine – CIRF (Centro Interdipartimentale per lo sviluppo della lingua e della cultura del Friuli “Josef Marchet”).
The aims of this Centre are:
– to promote actions that enhance the study and the research on Friulian language, literature, history, arts, science, land and culture;
– to cooperate with Italian and international institutions;
– to support other institutions in research activities;
– to promote, support and organize teaching activities, such as training courses about Friulian language and culture;
– to spread the knowledge on Friulian language and culture through lessons, exhibitions, meetings, symposiums and publications;
– to boost students’ use of Friulian language and their knowledge about Friulian culture, also referring to media, arts, music and theatre.


Associate Member


At the University of Udine the official language of instruction is Italian. As part of the academic training offered by the University of Udine, students are guaranteed the opportunity to acquire knowledge of the Friulian language and culture through the courses delivered by the Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature, Comunicazione, Formazione e Società (DILL – Department of Languages and Literature, Communication, Education and Society). The study plans of the degrees in Foreign Languages and Literatures and in Cultural Mediation offer courses in Friulian language and literature, as well as Friulian linguistics. There is, however, no full study programme available in the Friulian language at the bachelor’s or master’s level. Of particular significance is the specific Curriculum for the teaching of Friulian language and culture, which is designed to train pre-school and primary school teachers who will be competent in Friulian and knowledgeable about its history and culture. It is part of the single-cycle master’s degree in primary education and some of its courses are taught in Friulian.
Family, friends, leisure, education, media, health services, Public administration.