NPLD » The Department of Language Policy awards the first Propulsió Scholarships to encourage creators in Catalan
The Department of Language Policy awards the first Propulsió Scholarships to encourage creators in Catalan
The first Propulsió Scholarships were awarded on the 21st of November 2024 at Palau Marc. This is an initiative of the Department of Language Policy of the Catalan government, that promotes the professionalisation of content creators and to help them develop projects and brands in the digital field. These scholarships seek to promote creation, publication and promotion of audiovisual content with a format designed specifically for social media.
The Propulsió scholarships include financial aid for the production of videos, designed for social media, this also includes a thematic and stylistic unit, to support content broadcast on YouTube and other social media platforms such as TikTok or Instagram. The goal of these scholarships are to support content creators in developing professional creation skills and to provide financial stability for content creators using Catalan.
The event brought together the creators selected in two categories: a category of 9 videos created and another of 18 videos created. During the event, Minister for Language Policy, F. Xavier Vila, highlighted the importance of having a clear strategy for audiovisual and social media: “The audiovisual world is one of our priorities. In fact, a few days ago we officially announced that we have created a specific work area for this: the General Directorate of Technological and Audiovisual Areas. And you, as creators, are one of the most prominent agents”. The event was attended by the scholarship-holding creators and the Minister addressed them, underlining their importance: “The Language Policy Department is aware that in recent years we are experiencing an expansive wave of the Catalan language thanks to content creators on social media. That’s why we felt it was essential to trust you directly and give you the ability to design your product, not just implement it.”
Winners of the Propulsió Scholarships
Category A (series of 18 videos also distributed with shorts)
- Elisabet Aloy – Estima Catalunya
- Joan Grivé – La Sèrie del Joan Grivé
- Cèlia Llop – Sabies que…
- Núria Masdeu – Terres de l’Ebre, la Catalunya per descobrir
- Judith Méndez – Ni mona, ni lisa
- Albert Pagà – Engresca’t
- Guillem Tarrés – Un dia, un ofici
- Farners Pei Hong Travet– Erasmus a Itàlia
Category B (series of 9 videos also distributed with the shorts)
- Pol Aluja– 12 Denominacions d’origen catalanes. Vi, cultura, història i paisatge
- Sara Ayter – La vida a Barcelona
- Marc Brugat– Marc Brugat
- Walter Capdevila – Walterland
- Pol Casellas – Barcelona des de dins. Del passat al quotidià d’avui
- Meritxell Deulofeu – Explorant Catalunya: les seves tradicions, curiositats i expressions
- Cèlia Espanya i Elisenda Forés – Seny i rauxa
- Eudald Feliu – Des de dins
- Daniel Gómez – Districtes
- Josep Gomis de Rocafiguera – Vola i viu
- Norma Levrero – Experiències singulars per viure en família a Catalunya
- Àlex López – Diaris de Barcelona
- Clara Miret – Lo nostre
- Oriol Pérez – Varietats lingüístiques dels Països Catalans
- GerhardusPetrusKirsten – Descobrint Catalunya en català, cròniques d’un sud-africà
- Raquel Roca – Armaris al descobert
To find out more about Propulsió scholarships and this event you can do so here
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