Soziolinguistika Klusterra | Sociolinguistics Cluster*

Soziolinguistika Klusterra | Sociolinguistics Cluster
Soziolinguistika Klusterra (Basque Sociolinguistics Cluster) is the main research center for Basque language social development. Its aim is to create and manage sociolinguistic knowledge in order to address the needs of the Basque language revitalisation process, by taking on a leading role in the language recovery and normalisation work and promoting innovation.
At Soziolinguistika Klusterra, our main goal is to build on and enhance the sociolinguistic work done by the parties involved in the Basque language revitalisation process: academic and social agents, public administrations, language planning experts, professionals and language activists, among others.
To this end, we develop collaborative projects, by building bridges between theoretical knowledge and the applied field of such knowledge.
Many of the main Basque language revitalisation agents are members of Soziolinguistika Klusterra and actively participate in the management of the organisation and ongoing projects.
Our 9-people staff, formed by researchers and specialised workers, is committed to carry out applied research projects, while developing new methodologies for the revitalisation of the language, in collaboration with the universities and the organisation members.
One of our main research interests is minority language use and strategies to increase it. Current research lines at Soziolinguistika Klusterra are as follows:
- Language habits: methodologies to promote a change in favour of the minoritised language
- Language and migration: presence of migrants’ languages and migrants’ language attitudes
- Oracy: pedagogical methodologies to promote Basque oracy at schools
- Language and sports: methodologies to increase the presence of the Basque language at sport clubs
- Language and work: methodologies for language management in the work environment.
- Language activation: ways for promoting the active involvement of the citizens in the revitalisation of the language
- Measurement of language use through observation
For further information, please visit our website: https://soziolinguistika.eus/en/
Soziolinguistika Klusterra has an elected representative in NPLD’s Steering Committee.


Associate Member.

2021 (population aged 16 or over)