Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem | Partium Christian University

Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem | Partium Christian University
Partium Christian University (further on PCU) was set up in Oradea (Nagyvárad, Grosswardein) as a result of an ecumenical initiative of the Reformed and Roman-Catholic Churches, and came into being as a Hungarian language university, filling in the absence of such an institution in Romania since the abolition of the Bolyai University in Cluj in 1959. The founder of the university is the Pro Universitate Partium Foundation, the members of which are the representatives of the Reformed- and Roman- Catholic Churches as well as representatives of civil society. The university is located in the largest city of Bihor county, close to Romania’s western border, which provides opportunities for collaboration with nearby universities from Hungary, especially with the universities of Debrecen and Nyíregyháza.
As a Hungarian language higher education institution of Romania, Partium Christian University has assumed to offer professional training in order to respond to the needs of Hungarian minority to have specialists with a good mastering of both Hungarian and Romanian language, and it is the only institution of higher education within the Partium region with this kind of academic offer.
The teaching language of the university is Hungarian. At the same time, the academic programs of the institution are designed in such a way so as to ensure the familiarisation of students with the specialist terminology of their field of study in at least three languages: Hungarian, Romanian and at least one international language (English, German or French).
Multilingualism and multiculturalism is promoted within the university also within its various BA level linguistic specialisations: German language and literature, English language and literature, Hungarian language and literature, and the combinations of those mentioned above. We also offer an MA program called Multilingualism and multiculturalism for students who are particularly interested in these subjects.
The research activities of the university have a strong regional and cross border focus. The thematic research priorities are: language, culture and identity; regional development; the Hungarian community in Romania; cultures of Partium and Transylvania; concepts and practices of social justice; higher education and the education medium, with a special focus on minority and intercultural education; art and media of communication.
The strong interest of the university in cultural and linguistic research is reflected by the significant number of high quality publications, international research grants and other cooperation projects as well as the hosting of international conference series specifically dedicated to linguistic and cultural issues. A special field of interest is concerning sign languages and the linguistic and cultural identity of Deaf community members, particularly of Deaf with minority ethnic background.
Partium Christian University has an elected representative as substitute in NPLD’s Steering Committee.


Associate Member


Language of University Training ; Language of Teacher Training in Primary and Secondary Teacher Education.
Oral use and in writing in public administration, judiciary, education, media, with the limitations imposed by internal legislation.