In 2007 the Government of Navarre created Euskarabidea-Euskararen Nafar Institutua / Navarrese Institute of Basque Language to manage the language policy of the Government.
Euskarabidea- Euskararen Nafar Institutua takes charge of the study, analysis and assessment of the sociolinguistic and linguistic; it also provides advice to public authorities on language.
It manages programs of use of Basque language in different fields of social life, promoting the presence of the language in the information technology and Communications. It also deals with toponymy, terminology of Basque dialects in Navarre and language teaching to adults.
Basque Autonomous Community (BAC), Navarre and Northern Basque Country (NBC)
Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa EAE, Nafarroa eta Ipar Euskal Herria (IEH)
Official in the BAC, official in the Basque speaking area of Navarre, and not official in the NBC
Ofiziala EAEn, ofiziala Nafarroako eremu batzuetan, eta ez ofiziala IEHn
Used in all social areas: writing and oral use in public administration, judiciary, education (all levels), health services, media, leisure, cultural and social life, and in socio-economics (according to the level of formalization in each of the territories of Basque).
Gizartearen alor guztietan: idatzizko eta ahozko erabilera herri-administrazioan, justizian, hezkuntzan (maila guztietan), osasun-arloan, hedabideetan, aisialdian, kultura- eta gizarte-bizitzan, eta esparru sozioekonomikoan (euskararen lurralde bakoitzean dagoen ofizializazio-mailaren arabera)