Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government
In July 2017, the Welsh Government launched its latest strategy for the Welsh Language – Cymraeg 2050 – (A million Welsh speakers by 2050).
A link to the strategy, its component work plans and thematic plans, as well as annual reports are available below. The strategic vision for the language is as follows:
“The year 2050: The Welsh language is thriving, the number of speakers has reached a million, and it is used in every aspect of life. Among those who do not speak Welsh, there is goodwill and a sense of ownership towards the language and a recognition by all of its contribution to the culture, society and economy of Wales.”
Realising the vision
The challenge of achieving a million Welsh speakers by 2050 calls for far-reaching changes. Boundaries need to be pushed and ambitious action taken to enable more people to learn and use Welsh. This strategy builds on existing foundations and moves us on to the next stage in our language journey. We have identified three strategic themes to achieve this vision.
More information, action plans and reports are available on the following link:
Full Member. Governmental institution
Universities are Autonomous bodies. They have to comply with the Welsh Language Standards.
Public administration (although only 2 councils have Welsh as their official working langauges) must offer a biling service, media (S4C, Radio Cymru, no daily newspaper but community papers and magazines and an online service), education (22.47% currently in Welsh Medium or bilingual education), leisure – project but no real national policy.